Image Credit Tenth & Grace

If you're currently searching a professional photographer to document a particular time in your life you probably realized that photographers come in all different styles, specialty and range greatly in cost.

Here are a few notes on why photographers pricing can range so much, the costs they face as small business and how they go about taking something they are wildly passionate about and turn it into something they can do as a full-time life career. 


Regardless of what a photographer charges for their service and time I can promise you there was a lot of thought put in it. Many professional photographers do this full-time, some even are the sole income for their entire family. Some might do it part-time to help contribute to their finances. Photographers not only have to put a price on their art, but they have to calculate the amount of time they invest in their business and then price themselves accordingly. There are many aspects that photographers have to take into account when coming up their pricing which is why you'll notice that it can range significantly between different photographers. Understand that pricing is something they have spent a great deal of time calculating to ensure that they can continue to grow their business over time and produce more beautiful work for their clients for years to come.

Please understand that pricing takes so much into consideration for individual photographers and should always be respected, as this is what the photographer has decided upon. 


Although you might just have an hour-long session, that never takes into account the number of hours a photographer spends on each client. Between driving to locations, setting up, shooting sessions, editing and delivering the final images, it easily adds up to over 8 hours spent on one single session. You might just see your photographer for the time you hired them, but after the session, the real work starts. Hours upon hours selecting and perfecting client galleries and going above and beyond for their clients. 


Professional photographers are treated no different than any other business out there. They have to pay taxes, health insurance, liability and gear insurance. Any expenses big companies face small businesses face as well. All these things have to be taken into account when photographers decide what they need to charge to run their business. In addition to these business expenses, their gear alone costs thousands of dollars and have to be maintained longterm. 


Photographers are in this because they had a calling to something they are passionate about. They have spent years perfecting their skillset and poured an incredible amount of time, sweat and tears into their art. Ask any photographer out there, and they will tell you that they have the greatest job in the world, because every day they get to do what they are passionate about and document special moments for others. I can also guarantee that every photographer has had hard times sometime in their career, they have doubted themselves, and had to learn to see their worth as an artist. It is not an easy thing to mix passion with business, and I have yet to meet a photographer who does not go above and beyond because this is more than a business to them, this is their art, their calling, this is what they are passionate about.

I hope this help give you a little insight on why photographers charge what they do and how you can see their value as an artist.